A.I. 自動報價





A.I. 超級方便




分兩步修復。 全流程無人化,1秒合理報價**,申請


A.I. 極快速度





A.I. 自動化回復


不確定如何計算貸款利息? 我可以分期支付我的個人貸款嗎? 借錢比你想象的要容易 24 小時A.I.


A.I. 級網上貸款



劉先生-自僱人士,成功借貸私人貸款:HK$120,000 @18期、4.38% APR(實際年利率),總還款額HK$122,140

無論是拍攝婚紗照、購買大件禮物還是預訂宴會,大型婚禮活動都需要實時的現金比較。 但是,如果你已經申請按揭買房,傳統銀行不會輕易批準你的個人貸款,或者你批準的個人貸款利率較高,貸款額度較低。 對比幾家傳統銀行和香港的私人貸款公司,這間公司是真正的線上個人貸款,沒有分行,成本低,所以私人貸款的利率可以和傳統銀行相媲美。 加上能簽下即日網貸,貸款實時清點,22萬港元的現金流最終獲批。

程小姐-咖啡師,成功借貸私人貸款:HK$220,000 @24期、3.46% APR(實際年利率),總還款額HK$227,900


黃先生-工程師,成功借貸結餘轉戶私人貸款:HK$300,000 @48期、 5.7% APR(實際年利率) ,總還款額HK$325,868

RexCoin Advantages

A single globally-sourced trading platform with an associated
suite of services that supports the entire global network

By joining our community you get to meet talented people from all over the world, as well as share your experience with others and learn from the best! The world`s leaders who became successful miners will explain the story of their success, give useful tips and even online consultations
Mining is intentionally designed to be resource-intensive and difficult so that the number of blocks found each day by miners remains steady. Individual blocks must contain a proof of work to be considered valid. This proof of work is verified by other RexCoin nodes each time they receive
Transactions are recorded into a distributed, replicated public database known as the blockchain, with consensus achieved by a proof-of-work system called mining. Upon reconnection, a node downloads and verifies new blocks from other nodes to complete its local copy of the blockchain
Wallet Encryption
Although the underlying code supports multiple encrypted copies of the same master key (and thus multiple passphrases) the client does not yet have a method to add additional passphrases. At runtime, the client loads the wallet as it normally would, but the keys are encrypted
Mining Reward
The block reward started at 50 BTC in block #1 and halves every 210,000 blocks. This means every block up until block #210,000 rewards 50 BTC, while block 210,001 rewards 25. Since blocks are mined on average every 10 minutes, 144 blocks are mined per day and 210,000 blocks take 4 years

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Rexcoin is developed by a worldwide team of passionate developers for the RexCoin Foundation, a nonprofit organization.

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#申請人必須符合指定的要求。 實際情況可能因個人情況而異。
*非入息證明及地址證明只適用於最高貸款額為港幣300,000元及符合一定信貸審批要求的客戶。 視乎個別情況,環球資本有限公司保留要求客戶提供其他證明文件作貸款審批之用的權利。 如果客戶提供額外的申請文件,可以申請更高的貸款額度。 新客戶仍需在線提交身份證復印件和銀行賬戶或ATM卡,以驗證申請人身份並安排貸款。
**僅適用於收到申請人的 TransUnion 信用報告後計算報價所需的時間。 申請人必須滿足一定的要求,實際所需時間可能因個人情況而異。
^「FullyLoanable Large Loan」-相較於環球資本有限公司的無證借貸,環球資本有限公司的個人貸款最終批核額度更接近客戶要求的貸款額度。